This guide is for deploying devlopr-jekyll blog using Github Pages, If you want to switch to any other Deployment Providers. We have deployment guides below !
Steps to create your blog using devlopr-jekyll:
Step 1. Fork the repo - click here
Step 2. Use as the new repo ( Replace your-github-username with yours). Remember if you use the name other than , your blog will be built using gh-pages branch.
Step 3. Clone the new repo locally to make changes :
$ git clone
$ cd
$ code .
Step 4. Open the files using VSCode and edit _config.yml and edit with your details:
Step 5 - Install the development requirements:
Let’s first set up our development environment, You might need to install the following tools:
We need ruby and bundler to build our site locally. After installation check if its working:
For ruby :
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
For bundler :
$ bundler -v
Bundler version 2.0.1
Step 6. Install the gem dependencies by running the following command
$ bundle update
$ bundle install
Step 7. Serve the site locally by running the following command below:
$ jekyll serve
Visit http://localhost:4000 for development server
Once happy with your blog changes. Push your changes to master branch.
Step 8. Push Your Local Changes
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "my new blog using devlopr-jekyll"
$ git push origin master
Visit your Github Repo settings ! Enable master branch as Github Pages Branch :
Step 9. Deploy your Blog :
Check the Deployment Guides Below :
Step 10. Connecting to a Headless CMS (Content Management System):
You can use the below Headless CMS services to manage content on your blog seemlessly.
Congrats ! On your new shining Blog !
You can visit the blog using (in case of hosting using github pages). The url may vary depending on your Deployment provider.